Submitting Data to Panaxbase

Panaxbase is a community resource dedicated to making research results broadly available. Researchers can help us meet this objective by submitting their data directly. Our curators can also help to clean up and properly present data at Panaxbase prior to publication. It will be helpful if you contact us before submitting your data so that we can help you through the process.

Please contact us if you have a different type of data you would like Panaxbase to host and we will work with you to make that happen.

Assembly and Annotation

If you have a genome assembly you would like to share by Panaxbase, please contact us and download the submission template above. You will need to fill in the worksheets describing your publication and assembly: Pub and Assembly. Tools for available assemblies are JBrowse, BLAST, Downloads, and Synteny Visualization.

Download the Excel spreadsheet template

Cultivar information

If you have any cultivar information you would like to share by Panaxbase, please contact us and download the submission template above. Please note that this cultivar must have gone through the cultivar certification process and be certified by relevant legal institutions.

Download the Excel spreadsheet template